
Mineko Mohri: Maintenance, Replacement and Recycling – Patentees’ Rights in the Aftermarkets

Mineko Mohri

Maintenance, Replacement and Recycling – Patentees’ Rights in the Aftermarkets

Germany, the U.S. and Japan

Intellectual property law is increasingly used to implement the business strategies of enterprises. If manufacturers of original products can monopolize the market in spare parts or prohibit recycling of their products by invoking their patent rights, they can devise a strategy that involves selling patented original products at a relatively low profit margin in order to profit by selling spare parts for these products. Patent law needs to establish general principles governing maintenance, replacement and recycling. Tracing back the history of the exhaustion doctrine, this study aims to highlight the current problems and to seek desirable solutions.

  • broschiert: 178 Seiten
    Format: 20,5 x 14,5
    ISBN 978-3-8316-0964-2
    Erschienen: 07.05.2010

    34,00 € (Preisbindung aufgehoben)

    In den Warenkorb
  • E-Book: 178 Seiten
    Format: 20,5 x 14,5
    ISBN 978-3-8316-0964-2
    Erschienen: 07.05.2010

    23,99 € (Preisbindung aufgehoben)

    Bei Ciando kaufen

Über die Autorin

Mineko Mohri is a Japanese attorney-at-law also admitted in the New York State. She has been working extensively in the field of intellectual property practice, education, and research since 2001. She learned her LL.B. from Keio University (Tokyo), LL.M. from Stanford Law School (California), and Dr. jur. from Ludwig-Maximilians-University (Munich).

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