
Antonios Kyriakopoulos, Alexandra Graebert, Gabriele Beschnidt (Hrsg.): Metallobiolomics

Antonios Kyriakopoulos, Alexandra Graebert, Gabriele Beschnidt (Hrsg.)


Analysis, Function, Clinic Trials

The idea for the proceeding book arose from the enjoyment of documenting the members talks and posters, especially those by the young scientists who inspired the “European Metallobiolomics” conference. The proceeding book provides some insight into the current state of studies in the field of metals/metalloids in biologically active systems.
The main subject of the joint meeting is the diversity of the methods combined to obtain statements and results on the relationship between metal/metalloid in biological systems.

Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin

  • broschiert: 180 Seiten
    Format: 23 x 15
    ISBN 978-3-8316-0982-6
    Erschienen: 31.05.2010

    49,00 € (Preisbindung aufgehoben)

    In den Warenkorb
  • E-Book: 180 Seiten
    Format: 23 x 15
    ISBN 978-3-8316-0982-6
    Erschienen: 31.05.2010

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