
Daniel Medina: Geographic Load Share Routing in the Airborne Internet

Daniel Medina

Geographic Load Share Routing in the Airborne Internet

Inflight internet access during oceanic flight is nowadays realized via satellite communication systems, which are costly and suffer from long propagation delays. Airborne mesh networking has been proposed as a cheaper and faster alternative to provide onboard connectivity, by enabling aircraft themselves to act as network routers, giving rise to a mutihop air-to-ground network in the sky. This vision, known as the Airborne Internet, forms the framework for this thesis.
A major challenge in such a network consists in balancing traffic load among different Internet Gateways , in such a way as to fully exploit the total air-to-ground capacity available at any given time to the airborne mesh network. Geographic Load Share Routing (GLSR) is proposed as a means to achieve load balancing with minimal control overhead, sharing capacity fairly among all airborne nodes, regardless of their current location in the network.

  • broschiert: 136 Seiten
    Format: 20,5 x 14,5
    ISBN 978-3-8316-4118-5
    Erschienen: 30.08.2011

    51,00 € (Preisbindung aufgehoben)

    In den Warenkorb

Über den Autor

Daniel Medina received his master's degree in Telecommunications Engineering in 2005 from the Technical University of Valencia, Spain. He has been working for the German Aerospace Center (DLR) as a Research Engineer at the Institute of Communications and Navigation in Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich, Germany. His main research interests are emrgence and self-organization, from wireless networks to neutral networks and the human brain.

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