
Eva Geisberger, Manfred Broy (Hrsg.): Living in a networked world

Eva Geisberger, Manfred Broy (Hrsg.)

Living in a networked world

Integrated research agenda Cyber-Physical Systems (agendaCPS)

The rapid progress of information technology allows for increasingly powerful software intensive embedded systems (machines) executing integrated applications connected by and to global networks. Thus these systems are more and more networked among each other, but also with data and services on the Internet. Intelligent solutions originate which gather processes of the living environment by means of sensors and actuators, connect them to virtual software worlds and interpret, monitor and control these processes in interaction with people.
In this way, so-called Cyber-Physical Systems evolve – a living in a networked world. The interlocking applications include smart cities, social infrastructures with integrated telemedicine care, enhanced connected mobility with fully or semi-autonomous driving cars and traffic systems, safety, security and privacy as well as networked production and the sustainable energy turnaround.
The integrated research agenda Cyber-Physical-Systems (agendaCPS) provides a comprehensive overview of the capabilities and benefits of the arising CPS-applications and manifold technological and social challenges involved. The agenda illustrates which value the subject for economy and society has: revolutionary applications of Cyber-Physical Systems address technological and social trends and needs; at the same time they penetrate and interconnect more and more areas of life.
On the basis of concrete future scenarios essential application domains are shown. Their analysis reveals which capabilities and technologies form the basis of Cyber-Physical systems and which innovation and possible conflict potential is inherent. The agendaCPS makes clear which researchand action areas are from particular importance. In these contexts opportunities, but also risks become apparent for Germany by Cyber-Physical Systems.

This ist the English translation of the report agenda Cyber-Physical Systems finished three years ago as a German acatech project by a German publication.

  • broschiert: 293 Seiten
    Format: 19,5 x 26
    ISBN 978-3-8316-4449-0
    Erschienen: 13.04.2015

    49,00 € (Preisbindung aufgehoben)

    In den Warenkorb
  • Ebook (PDF): 293 Seiten
    Format: 19,5 x 26
    ISBN 978-3-8316-7123-6
    Erschienen: 14.04.2015

    34,99 €

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