
Winnie Cheptoo Kamakil: Play and Creative Drawing in Preschool

Winnie Cheptoo Kamakil

Play and Creative Drawing in Preschool

A Comparative Study of Montessori and Public Preschools in Kenya

As parents and caretakers, it is our responsibility to ensure that children get a stable educational foundation, one that will not only give them literacy and numeracy, but also problem solving skills. Regardless of the schools in which we choose to enroll our children, it is imperative to ask ourselves whether the learning environment we have chosen will provide the three basic skills, while also make learning fun. Does the educational institution we have decided upon allow children to be themselves – to play, explore, question, push boundaries, take risks and freely and autonomously express their capabilities? The constructivist view, which is greatly favored by many alternative education institutions, perceives each child to be a unique and active participant of the environment, as opposed to a passive recipient of whatever is thrown at them. Every child’s educational experience at preschool should be a fun and memorable journey. It plays a key role in molding and ultimately giving the child a fomidable star in life especially pertaining to problem solving and creativity, which they will no doubt need to deal with daily encounters.

  • broschiert: 158 Seiten
    Format: 20,5 x 14,5
    ISBN 978-3-8316-4284-7
    Erschienen: 23.07.2013

    46,00 € (Preisbindung aufgehoben)

Über die Autorin

Winnie Cheptoo Kamakil graduated with a B.A. in Psychology (Management minor) from the United States International University in 2006. Thereafter, she pursued a M.A. in Psychology of Excellence in Business and Education at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich and graduated in 2009. In 2013, she completed her PhD in Psychology and Pedagogy at the same university. Her research interests revolve around Play Therapy and Child Educational Psychology. She has previously published studies on how affect, both positive and negative, influence creativity.

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