
Gabriele Hammermann, Stefanie Pilzweger-Steiner (Hrsg.): Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site

Gabriele Hammermann, Stefanie Pilzweger-Steiner (Hrsg.)

Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site

A Tour

The tour brochure provides information for visitors to the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site. It guides readers through the grounds and exhibitions in twenty stations, with a further six stations devoted to important locations near the Memorial Site. Based on the latest research and written in a clear and succinct style, the brochure follows the history of the Dachau concentration camp up until 1945 and the subsequent uses of the grounds from 1945 through to the present day. Numerous photographs, some of them historical, as well as drawings and accounts by survivors complement the text. Overview layouts enable visitors to locate different relicts of the concentration camp and places of remembrance. Aerial photographs allow connections to be made between the historical grounds of the concentration camp and today’s Memorial Site. Not only an invaluable aid for a structured exploration of the Memorial Site, the brochure is also ideal for planning and reviewing a visit.

  • broschiert: 88 Seiten
    Format: 21 x 14,8
    ISBN 978-3-8316-4664-7
    Erschienen: 07.11.2017

    8,00 €

  • Ebook (PDF): 90 Seiten
    Format: 21 x 14,8
    ISBN 978-3-8316-7308-7
    Erschienen: 20.10.2017

    7,00 €


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