
Zeina M. Barakat: From Heart of Stone to Heart of Flesh: Evolutionary Journey from Extremism to Moderation

Zeina M. Barakat

From Heart of Stone to Heart of Flesh: Evolutionary Journey from Extremism to Moderation

This book examines the forces of human transformation from extremism to moderation. It analyzes the ethical indicators which determine making the choice of the path to take when one is faced with crucial decisions to make. The author focuses on three central values, namely, (a) moderation, reflecting balance in dealing with individual and group issues; (b) reconciliation, reflecting willingness to heal wounds and repair broken relationships by showing respect for the personal and collective narrative of the other, and feeling empathy and compassion for the pain and suffering of other and viewing the perspective of the other by putting oneself in the shoes of the other; (c) peace, coexisting with the other reflecting tolerance for the beliefs and views of other. These three concepts are linked together in consequential sequence with each leading to the other and eventually resulting prosperity and security.

  • Hardcover: 294 Seiten
    Format: 20,5 x 14,5
    ISBN 978-3-8316-4645-6
    Erschienen: 24.08.2017

    59,00 €

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  • Ebook (PDF): 294 Seiten
    Format: 20,5 x 14,5
    ISBN 978-3-8316-7337-7
    Erschienen: 15.09.2017

    40,99 €

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Über die Autorin

Zeina Barakat is a Jerusalem-born Palestinian. She graduated from Bethlehem University with a Bachelor degree in (2005) and went on to do her Master’s degree at Al-Quds University in Regional Studies (2006). She attained her doctorate degree (Dr. phil.) in 2016 from friedrich schiller University of Jena, Germany, where she is currently a postdoctoral fellow. She is the Palestinian coordinator for the Trilateral Project “Heart of flesh not Stone”. She is author of Sexual Harassment, one of the few books in Arabic dealing with this taboo topic in Arab society. She is co-author of Holocaust: Human Agony: Is there a Way out of Violence, published in 2012. She taught at al-Quds University in Jerusalem, al-Istiqlal University in Jericho, and Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. This book is a case study dealing with a personal transformation from extremism to moderation.

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