Claire V. Fennell (Hrsg.)
Bd. 15: „Das Büchlein der Gesundheit“
This is the first complete edition of „Das Büchlein der Gesundheit“, based on Trieste, Biblioteca Civica Attilio Hortis, MS 2–25, written in a late fifteenth-century Bavarian dialect.
herausgegeben von Hans Sauer (†), Gaby Waxenberger, Monika Kirner-Ludwig und Kerstin Majewski
Claire V. Fennell (Hrsg.)
This is the first complete edition of „Das Büchlein der Gesundheit“, based on Trieste, Biblioteca Civica Attilio Hortis, MS 2–25, written in a late fifteenth-century Bavarian dialect.
Renate Bauer, Christine Elsweiler, Ulrike Krischke, Kerstin Majewski (Hrsg.)
This Gedenkschrift celebrates the memory of Professor Hans Sauer and his passion for travelling. The contributions in this volume explore different kinds of textual and temporal travels from various linguistic, literary, and philological perspectives.
Michael Skiba
Participial prepositions and conjunctions such as considering, during, considered and except are a comparatively recent phenomenon in the history of the English language.
Esaúl Ruiz Narbona
Based on the surviving Old English textual material, as well as on Old English dictionaries and the relevant literature, this work studies the role of preverbs (eg.
Somayeh Baeten
Somayeh Baeten, née Shafiei, is a German citizen born in Tehran in 1981.
Laura García Fernández
This work contributes to the research in the linguistic analysis of Old English with corpus-based lexical databases.
Felix Hausleitner
Das vorliegende Buch beinhaltet eine kommentierte Textausgabe (inklusive einer deutschen Übersetzung) eines im 10. Jahrhundert verfassten altenglischen Medizinbuches, das aus zwei Teilen besteht: Laeceboc I und II.
Hans Sauer, Elisabeth Kubaschewski (Hrsg.)
Old English had a large number of plant names: more than a thousand are attested. These are listed here, including parts of plants and products of plants.
Kaifan Yang
The book examines the diachronic change of time perception throughout Anglo-Saxon England, with the conversion as a turning point.
Sophia Huber
Knowledge about one’s linguistic background, especially when it is different from mainstream varieties, provides a basis for identity and self.
Stefanie Gerhards
Die Murbacher Hymnen, eine Sammlung von 27 lateinischen Hymnen mit einer (wohl bald nach 800 eingetragenen) vollständigen althochdeutschen Interlinearversion, gehören zu den frühesten und wichtigsten Denkmälern der althochdeutschen Sprache und Literatur.
Veronika Traidl
World literature is often transposed onto screen and these new interpretations of literary works mostly change several features.
Maria Sutor
Foreign accents in fiction are a common stylistic instrument of marking a character as the ‘Other’ and conveying national stereotypes in literature.
Kousuke Kaita
Why do Modern English modal auxiliaries ought to, should, and must, meaning OBLIGATION, occur in the present tense, yet their forms are in the preterite? Why does to accompany ought?
Anne Aschenbrenner
Adjectives can be used as nouns in English as well as in German.